
Home Amour
家是遊子在外朝思暮想的歸屬,白是屋主獨鍾自由恢闊的畫布。 如作畫般,空間以皓白的基底起稿,充足的採光構圖、筆描格局,傢飾掇畫生活的肌理,織品與軟件作對比映照,再添些許綠意點綴;立面留白中,線構與潑墨、皇家哥本哈根年度盤作重點著色,揉合空間的簡約與洗鍊。日光落地,由素簾引渡入室,敞開的格局主導空間的流動性,起居與啖食間既是愜意自在,又相互成趣。臥室除了延續黑白素材,藉漆料與壁紙增添自然色光,沉靜中挹注清新的濾鏡,更顯家的安定靜謐與皓白的思慕。
Just like freely painting on canvas, let’s delineate the house with decorative accessories. Silky curtain splashes whitish hue into the space. Royal Copenhagen plates adorn and frames are randomly scattered on the wall. Black and white color scheme encompasses various touches of gold elements, wool-shag pillows, and table green plants. A bit amount of cornice element sharpens every perspective, setting of a new style of normcore classic.
Interior Styling|RIS Collective
Designers|Hsin-Ting Weng,
Photography|Hey!Cheese Photography