
Tuscan Giorno
徐志摩<翡冷翠山居閒話>Firenze佛羅倫斯城位於義大利托斯卡尼區,本案以托斯卡尼景緻鮮明柔和的Tuscan Colors為色彩主題。 Tuscan Beige(米色)為立面主軸,各空間演變為風格略異但氣質相同的溫暖色調,歐式風情濃郁卻貼近生活。入門的迎賓毯是安卡拉大理石拼花,緊鄰奶油黃的萊姆石磚,廚房則以復古的磚紅花磚、伴著金黃色調,視覺中暗飄澹香;門片與壁面的雕飾,細琢但不矯造,從壁面至天花發展整體框架敘述,彷彿原來就置於身托斯卡尼。空間的氛圍依傢飾及燈飾的多樣式,體現造型的美學,織品材質與色彩的衝突搭配堆砌視覺層次,手繪油畫、英倫壁鐘、威尼斯鏡揉合軟件的溫度,勾勒出每個空間獨立故事性,串聯起一家詩篇。
The house is a pleasure blend of Tuscan color palette. Tuscan alongside antique white delightfully goes throughout the space; ivory white cabinet collides with embellished terracotta backdrops. Corniced wall encompasses decorative relief and floral textile touches, culminating with a cozy harmony in every peaceful morning. Besides the warmth of Tuscan hue, private bedroom painted in slate grey, not only naturally rustic but timeless elegant, enhancing the luster of glossy textures.
Interior Styling|RIS Collective
Designers|Hsin-Ting Weng,
Photography|Hey!Cheese Photography