In's Cafe大坑咖啡廳

依山傍水、鄰近台中大坑風景區,隱身在山林綠意的In’s Café,發想於巴黎左岸邊讓文人墨客至此駐足、流連忘返的咖啡廳“Café Voltaire”。以沉穩的普魯士藍與混色仿舊木紋地磚作為主體,結合歐洲常見戶外咖啡廳的概念,天花板的天窗與側牆的方格玻璃窗聯結入口的玻璃門面,形成三面採光通透的玻璃屋,將室內氛圍延伸至四周街景的枝繁葉茂,也將山清水秀引景入室。松木圍籬牆上垂直綠意的植生牆以及洗手間前的慕斯畫框裝置,自然氣息更顯空間的詩情文藝。新藝術風格的咖啡桌椅與深橡木吧檯在風化後保留作舊的餘韻、營造懷舊的歐風情調,與錫板共同歷經歲月的斑駁調性,清透的雕花玻璃吊燈在空間中對比出歐式樣貌下的復古底蘊。
This hidden garden nearby hillsides is from a renovation of a residential garage, to construct a coffee shop encompassing greenhouse courtyard seat. The building in teal palette comprises façade with moulding posts sophisticatedly designed in recessed shafts and fluted details. At the front courtyard area, the seat affords a panoramic view through colonial window grid; on the other face, the green wall attaches to pine fence panels, permeating garden breeze to the greenhouse. Entering into indoor seat,the antique solid wood kitchen attracts attention, alongside distressed tin tiles which give another complementary distinction, imbuing with a wave of nostalgia for classics.
Interior Styling|RIS Collective
Designers|Hsin-Ting Weng,
Photography|Hey!Cheese Photography